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For English-Speaking gamers
Here you can read "Quick start guide".
Before we will start, I wish to apologise before you. I don't know English language well.
About our clan. 
Why the clan name is "Band of Brothers"?
- All of us are brothers and we help each other.
What policy at your clan?
- We are tried not to be at war with other clans. But thus all should have earths.
What purposes at your clan?
- The help to beginners and foreign players. Interesting playing in the our "Band".
Do you have a charter?
- Yes.
The clan charter.
The clan purpose is the help to beginners and foreign players.
1. The clansman is obliged:
To observe the given Charter, and also the Code of Honour of the Clan.
To help other members with their need in process of the possibilities and abilities. If the person Online and behind the keyboard, means it darts off and I run on the help, any "I'm busy", "it is a pity nuts", etc. To observe rules of honour and decencies in relation to other clansmen and inhabitants of other Universe.
To protect honour of a clan and to help with it соклановцам (the substantiation of aggressive actions is desirable).
To participate in a public life of a clan, moderately possibilities.
To create in a clan a cosiness and comfortable conditions of game moderately the abilities.
To be a part of the big family with its hardship and happiness.
2. The clansman has the right:
At any time to receive the help from a clan, both material, and mental, moderately clan possibilities.
To offer ideas of development and clan perfection.
To feel in a clan as at home.
3. The leader of a clan has the right:
To establish laws in a clan.
To accept new clansmen at own discretion and recommendations of other clansmen.
To expel clansmen for serious offences contradicting the basic idea of a clan.
4. The clan has the right:
To refuse or pass the law on the basis more than 50 % of voices for this or that decision.
To forbid reception of separately taken person by a strong reason.
To make the vital decisions for a clan for lack of the leader at 85 % a poll.
The code of Honour of the Clan
1. Above all the member honours the idea of the clan stated in the given Charter. It underlies all its actions, at the heart of all his life. Without idea, without the purpose - there is no also a clan.
2. The member should be on a head above the victims, and the first that should distinguish the clansman from grey weight of rough, ill-bred people, it is its erudition and politeness.
3. A member above rudeness. It possesses sufficient patience not to break and to assimilate floating in a dirt of the curses. The perception of insults should leave the clansman quiet, he should answer with a smile to the opponents on exclusive a literary language. For anything so does not anger the opponent, as comprehension of powerlessness, impossibility to attack the clansman at mental level.
4. Let they it is burst from the rage for their rage - the only thing that remains to them for they (without another's help) are powerless to win us! But opponents who observe this point of the Code not worse the clansman and are worthy your respect (if, certainly, they also respect you).
5. The member respects only the one who respects him. The member should respect first of all the person, without dependence from in what fights and against whom she if only this person does not break basic rules of our Code of Honour participates.
6. The member should not feel fear. We have no need to be afraid neither losses экспы, nor loss, war. We can battle against everything, remaining even one, one against all world. If we battle, we cannot recede any more. Members do not pay contributions and do not apologise, if only do not consider the actions by infringement of the Code of Honour of the Clan.
7. Murder of other players from not allied clans, alliances or simply players is supposed in the presence of the weighty reasons.
8. The player should warn the Leader of a clan at an excommunication for term of more week. (In case of long absence without the prevention, the player is excluded from a clan!)
9. On joint campaigns Clansmen are obliged to listen and execute commands of the Leader of a clan, the Leader of spot-check, or the Leader of group.
10. Any conflicts between соклановцами dare peacefully under supervision of Councillors of a clan.
11. Clansmen are obliged to engage, if near to them attack the soklanovtsa/beginner.
(Default is followed by punishment, up to an exception of a clan without the right to restoration. The exception makes fight 1-1 if the soklanovets/beginner asks not to interfere.)
12. In all conflicts occurring out of a clan, соклановцы should support a companion irrespective of the status of guilt of the supported. The delnejshee decision on guilt and participation degree to be taken out at meeting of a clan on the given incident.
13. Clansmen should organise groups for upgrading, support and help in upgrading to more "younger" companions.
14. It is forbidden any way to extend the information from the closed sections of a forum or the information received orally.
15. Provocation, divorce, extortion and a deceit of other players of a server, and as any other actions discrediting reputation of a clan, including marauding Is forbidden.
16. Use of obscene lexicon in a clan chat Is forbidden.
17. Each Clansman is obliged to visit a clan forum at least time in 3 days.
Категория: Общая | Добавил: NB-Man (2009-10-09) | Автор: Боб
Просмотров: 6626 | Теги: клан, Англичане | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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